Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Clinton Escapes to Fight Another Day

Clinton Escapes to Fight Another Day

With solid support from registered Democrats and the backing of women, who deserted her in Iowa, Senator Clinton beat Senator Barack Obama of Illinois with a margin that — if not particularly wide — was enough for her campaign to claim a resounding victory.

In New Hampshire, more voters viewed her as qualified to be commander in chief than said Mr. Obama was ready for that role, suggesting that Mrs. Clinton’s argument that she was more experienced to lead might have had traction here.

New Hampshire was always remembered as a turning point for Mr. Clinton in his march to the Democratic nomination. But there are important differences between that contest and this one. Mr. Clinton was facing a fractured field that included no particularly strong candidates. In Mr. Obama, Mrs. Clinton is facing an opponent who is nearly as well-financed as she is and who at times this weekend seemed to be more of a movement than a candidate. In Iowa and to a lesser extent here, Mr. Obama drew independent and young voters to the polls; his political appeal is unusual.

Mrs. Clinton is now certainly going to be able to appeal to donors for more money for what is shaping up as a protracted battle against Mr. Obama. The internal squabbling about her campaign’s management and strategy is likely to quiet. And she will no doubt go forth making the obvious comparison: that just like her husband 16 years ago, she is now well-positioned to battle her way to the presidential nomination.

... In my opinion, the whole race to the finish is a very close call. Obviously, this is the first time in history that a minority and a woman are running for office. I believe that is the reason people are more motivated to vote and show who they really want to win. Clinton and Obama both have a great chance for victory so now it all depends on the people. Credentials are in Clinton's favor but no where does it state that's all that matters because I'm sure Obama can do as well of a job as Clinton.

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