Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Today on the Presidential Campaign Trail

Today on the Presidential Campaign Trail

BOSTON (AP) , His shot at the Republican presidential nomination in jeopardy, Mitt Romney will run a TV ad starting Tuesday against Iowa front-runner Mike Huckabee while weighing how much negative campaigning he can add to the methodical plan he's followed all year.

Romney's campaign said Monday a "contrast ad" on illegal immigration is planned for Iowa on Tuesday. Aides said the ad identifies the former Arkansas governor and characterized it as a reaction to Huckabee's own TV commercial in which he touts his immigration proposal.

Such elevated rhetoric , including the Romney campaign's mass e-mailing Monday of an anti-Huckabee Web column , reflects a growing sense of urgency at Romney headquarters, where the game plan all year has been predicated on bowling over rivals with victories in lead-voting Iowa and New Hampshire.

---Although Romney chose a very outspoken way to try and gain the lead in the presidential race, you have to do what you have to do in order to win. As long as he is only stating facts about Huckabee then I don't see the harm in him making an ad about how Huckabee feels about immigration. Many candidates have done it in the past and many will still continue.

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