Sunday, January 13, 2008

Obama Calls Clinton Allegations “Ludicrous”

Obama Calls Clinton Allegations “Ludicrous”

Senator Barack Obama told reporters on a conference call today that Hillary Clinton’s accusations that his campaign was trying to “deliberately” mislead the public about her comments on Martin Luther King, Jr. were “ludicrous.”The conference call was set up to showcase new endorser, Senator Claire McCaskill (D-MO), but when the call was opened to questions, Obama was asked by a reporter about Clinton’s comments on Meet the Press this morning, during which she spoke further about the Obama camp’s attempt to distort her comments.

Obama responded incredulously, “This is fascinating to me. I mean, I think what we saw this morning is why the American people are tired of Washington politicians and the games they play. But Senator Clinton made an unfortunate remark, an ill-advised remark, about King and Lyndon Johnson. I didn’t make the statement. I haven’t remarked on it and she, I think, offended some folks who felt that somehow diminished King’s role in bringing about the Civil Rights Act. She is free to explain that, but the notion that somehow this is our doing is ludicrous. I have to point out that instead of telling the American people about her positive vision for America, Senator Clinton spent an hour talking about me and my record in a way that was flat out wrong.”

“People were offended at her words and she can explain them however she’d like. However, I think that Congressman Clyburn and other leaders across the country would take great offense at the suggestion that their response was somehow engineered by this campaign,” said Obama spokesman Bill Burton.

...In my opinion, this campaign is like a merry-go-round. Of course candidates are going to talk about each other and their wrong doings, that's how they get people to believe what they're saying. Obama and Clinton are the biggest issue right now in the media and everywhere else for that matter, so no matter what they say about each other it's never really going to be good. The one thing that they might have an advantage of is catching, or noticing something that the other has said that will offend people in some way, in which Obama did. Either way, they both have their tactics and will continue to use them until the finish line is reached.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Huckabee sows seeds to steal Michigan from Romney

Huckabee sows seeds to steal Michigan from Romney

Meanwhile, his rival Mitt Romney -- who announced after his second-place New Hampshire showing that Michigan was his top priority -- has run nearly $3 million dollars worth of television ads in Michigan.

Huckabee's been riding a months-long wave of good news in Michigan. Just before Labor Day, the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers made him their pick in his party's presidential primary -- a rare nod to a GOP candidate that might not mean much in other Republican contests, but carries some weight in this heavily unionized state.

But as in Iowa, the biggest secret to Huckabee's Michigan success seems to be his depth of support among evangelical Christians. Typically, somewhere between one-fifth and one-third of Michigan's Republican primary voters are self-identified evangelicals. A few weeks ago, a Detroit News survey found that number may be as high as 40 percent this year.

"We don't have to persuade them to vote, we just have to get them to turn up," Glenn said Thursday, pointing to their Iowa counterparts' role in Huckabee's victory there. "Why mess with a winning formula?"

...Well, there is always truth to the fact that when u have an advantage over someone dealing with money, you most likely will get further. It's a shame to say, but apparently some of the other candidates have spent more on the campaign than Huckabee has but in this case, that obviously doesn't make a difference. If you can get the people to believe in you and your cause then all the money in the world would not make a difference. In my opinion, campaigning should not be a competition of who can create the most adds, it should be about who can make the biggest difference.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Clinton Escapes to Fight Another Day

Clinton Escapes to Fight Another Day

With solid support from registered Democrats and the backing of women, who deserted her in Iowa, Senator Clinton beat Senator Barack Obama of Illinois with a margin that — if not particularly wide — was enough for her campaign to claim a resounding victory.

In New Hampshire, more voters viewed her as qualified to be commander in chief than said Mr. Obama was ready for that role, suggesting that Mrs. Clinton’s argument that she was more experienced to lead might have had traction here.

New Hampshire was always remembered as a turning point for Mr. Clinton in his march to the Democratic nomination. But there are important differences between that contest and this one. Mr. Clinton was facing a fractured field that included no particularly strong candidates. In Mr. Obama, Mrs. Clinton is facing an opponent who is nearly as well-financed as she is and who at times this weekend seemed to be more of a movement than a candidate. In Iowa and to a lesser extent here, Mr. Obama drew independent and young voters to the polls; his political appeal is unusual.

Mrs. Clinton is now certainly going to be able to appeal to donors for more money for what is shaping up as a protracted battle against Mr. Obama. The internal squabbling about her campaign’s management and strategy is likely to quiet. And she will no doubt go forth making the obvious comparison: that just like her husband 16 years ago, she is now well-positioned to battle her way to the presidential nomination.

... In my opinion, the whole race to the finish is a very close call. Obviously, this is the first time in history that a minority and a woman are running for office. I believe that is the reason people are more motivated to vote and show who they really want to win. Clinton and Obama both have a great chance for victory so now it all depends on the people. Credentials are in Clinton's favor but no where does it state that's all that matters because I'm sure Obama can do as well of a job as Clinton.